Hi all. Hope this finds you well.
After some deliberation, we will meet as usual on a THURSDAY night this month.
To be precise, this Thursday 28th November! At 6.30pm UK time, for two hours via Zoom.
If you’ve not come to Writing for Change before, please know you would be most welcome! It’s a writing group that’s focused on using the written word for social change, and is open to anyone with passion and a pen. If you want to get a feel for what we do in our groups, have a look back through the Group Notes, here.
I feel like this month it might be good to do a practical session, if people would like that? A focus on ‘how to’. With that in mind, please leave in the comments any questions or need-to-knows that you have in the comments? Some examples of what I mean by a practical session, could be, ‘Getting started on substack’, ‘Pitching a guest post to an existing substack’, ‘My own experiences of getting published (could zoom in on any aspect eg getting an agent, writing proposals, the writing and editing process etc?)’… If there are practical aspects of writing and getting your work published, either in ‘the papers’ or in books, that you would like my take on, then please know I am more than happy to give it!
I would also happily facilitate a ‘what I’m working on at the moment’ session where group members can share a bit more detail of their own current projects, sample writing and goals. Often this can be really galvanising.
If you would like to do a more ‘open’ style session instead, my suggested theme is:
Because I always feel that way at this time of year!
OK, do let me know your thoughts in the comments, and see you on Thursday night.
The zoom link follows after the paywall.
To summarise.
All are welcome, including newcomers.
Theme to be decided and your input is very welcome.
Bring a pen and paper
We often have the odd baby or small person in the background and are fine with that.
We spend time writing together as well as sharing thoughts / work.
Light a candle if you wish to show you are bringing the fire!
Here comes the link you need to join….