Christmas hasn't peeled my Brussels sprouts in a long time. When I was a kid, my father loved Christmas. We always had a nice tree with lots of decorations both purchased and homemade. He had a major hemorrhagic stroke in 2004 and passed away at the end of November 2010 after a long period of both physical and cognitive decline.

I'm looking forward to the Writing for Change group. I'm a US citizen and hope everyone will be kind to me about my overtly hick accent. I'm well aware that I sound and look like Old Maw Kettle from a Western movie.

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I absolutely hear you, I even thought about writing something about missing childhood Christmas's and how adult Christmas's are always a bit infused with loss / grief etc but then I just felt too sad to write it :-(

I am so glad you are coming to Writing for Change. You will be so welcome and certainly not treated as a hick, more an exotic jewel (although there may be more Americans to keep you company, I'm not sure!) xxx

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Jan 3Liked by Milli Hill

Hi. I'm Mandy. I absolutely love your posts, Milli, especially The Word is Woman. This year I will be continuing to work with my sisters in the Green Party to counter the dominance of gender identity extremism, particularly via our Green Women's Declaration: greenwomensdeclaration.uk

We're in for the long haul, as you might imagine! xx

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Hi Mandy, yes you certainly have your work cut out 😳 Let me know if I can ever help. X

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Jan 4Liked by Milli Hill

Happy New Year Milli and everyone- I’ve had The Artist Way on my shelf for about twenty years and in September I finally started working through it and writing morning pages. I did take a bit longer to get to the end of the 12 weeks/chapters, which now approaches. It has been a game changer for me and the writing habit and creative flow is stronger now. I also bought myself a lovely fountain pen so I get pleasure from that every morning too. I’ve signed up for Anna Wharton’s writing group and will do so for Milli’s. Geraldine

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I was thinking about a fountain pen actually. Might ask for one for my birthday. Any recommendations? See you in Anna's group!

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Jan 4Liked by Milli Hill

I had a Lamy that I bought in Cardiff a few years ago and after researching online I settled on a more expensive Lamy. They’re lovely and I might buy different colour inks. I’ve even bought blotting paper! https://shop.lamy.com/en_gb/fountain-pens

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Oh my gosh well it's my birthday in a couple of weeks so thanks for the advice! xx

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Greetings all - I’m looking forward to Milli’s writing group. I’m very familiar with The Artists’ Way (TAW) - I have always been a bit of a ‘journaliser’ especially having a difficult time - I was journaling as therapy without realising it long before it was a ‘thing’. TAW really helped me to hone the purpose of my writing - I’m a natural early riser (a lion according to Dr Michael Breus sleep expert) and at my best work wise first thing eg it is now 06:37 and I’ve been up more than 2 hours reading and writing... Anyway - 2024 is the year I submit my thesis to university - continue my writing of a trilogy... - and find a writing community, hence connecting here Milli. I’m a retired midwife turned writer with no career ambitions (too old to worry...) simply a desire to move into long form after years of articles - fantasy Fi’s my thing...

Looking forward to meeting up - and Milli, I have several other recommendations like TAW that approach the skill of becoming a writer. Best wishes all.

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Thanks Lynn, no recommendations at the moment but maybe in 6 months when I have made more of a dent in the current stack! Can't wait to see you in W4C! xx

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Happy New Year Everyone!

Likewise, I am looking forward to Writing For Change- in my diary. Thanks for the great idea,Milli. Looking forward to trying (am prepared for success or failure).

Likewise- I LOVE your writing and your creativity as well as the way you channel your anger. Anger can be energising in my view. If we can use it for change, for reclaiming and expanding Womens rights that is a positive and productive force for good.

Anyone get any great, or interesting feminist books for Christmas?

I got a book for Christmas called ‘Believe Me’-series of essays edited by Jessica Valenti ( writes’ Abortion Everyday’ ) and Jaclyn Friedman - good so far, but written from a US perspective. One of the essays is written by a man who educated other men and boys about empathy, consent, peer pressure etc. interesting read so far.

Of course ‘Give Birth Like A Feminist’ is an excellent read, but also Laura Bates ‘ Fix the System not the Women’.

Also Ruchita Gupta’s ‘ I kick and I fly’ was a brilliant book I read with my book club last year. It is actually YA ( Young Adult), but still excellent!

How about you, Milli and followers ?

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I got 3 books for Xmas: the Artists Way as I mentioned, brave new world and 1984. To my shame I don't think I've read either in full or maybe I did in school but forgot 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I asked for them for Xmas. I'm also reading Galileo's Middle Finger which is really fascinating. None of them especially feminist though!

Did you know if you want to start discussions with fellow subscribers eg what are your feminist book recommendations you can do so in Chat? Let me know if you need further info!

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Jan 3Liked by Milli Hill

Happy New Year everyone! I'm looking forward to Writing for Change. I'm so easily distracted, treat my writing as last on the to do list so need to get into better habits (and better company). I got the Mslexia diary for Christmas which has proved inspiring so far https://mslexia.co.uk/shop/diary-and-planner/

Will be great to hear what everyone else is up to - see you on the 25th!

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Oh I had not seen that diary, looks nice! And yes to the distraction although I am beginning to think the distraction thing is about more than just a long to do list and more about fear of failure? Not sure if that makes sense or you can relate. xx

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Fear of failure no longer a major issue for me as I don't really expect to get published. It's more that because it's not paid, it's not important. I need to analyse this a bit more as I'm sure it comes from some childhood messages.

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I just pressed submit on my first ever substack blog. At half passed midnight on a Saturday night. Reality of life with a baby who doesnt like to sleep. But, I did it. I finally pressed the submit button starting 2024 as I mean to go on. I never seem to be able to get past page 30 of the Artists Way, even though I love it, and really enjoy the morning pages and really should try to commit to it once again. Looking forward to writing for change x

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see you there! x

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Jan 5Liked by Milli Hill

Happy New Year Milli. Random thoughts to start the year - firstly and I hope this isn’t too personal but watching the original Bridget Jones’s Diary over Christmas I was struck by your resemblance to lovely Renee Zellweger. You must have heard this before...sorry! Secondly I recently saw a request in a Facebook group for midlife women from a mum looking for resources to help her 15 year old daughter to learn more about her period cycle, how it affects eating, exercise, mood etc. YouTube/ Podcasts. I think your period book is for slightly younger girls maybe... did you come across anything in your research for watching/listening that you’d recommend for older teens?

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Hi Gill, wow, Renee Zellweger! No I don't think anyone has said that before, how absolutely lovely and flattering! I love Bridget Jones. I remember when it was originally a column in the Evening Standard, I was in my 20's and living in London at the time and i literally WAS her whilst I was reading about her!!

RE: period books for older teens this is great: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cycle-Savvy-Smart-Teens-Mysteries/dp/0060829648

Where is this person in the world? I have a copy I could send them if they pay the p&p? x

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Thanks so much for the recommendation, I’ll pass on the link, not sure where they are based it’s a group based around a podcast with women from all over the world. I fear that many girls and young women don’t have the patience to read outside of school and get a lot of their (mis)information from TikTok/Insta/YouTube. Much as we might dislike this we probably need some of us there to provide a different narrative. Have you braved TikTok?

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Jan 4Liked by Milli Hill

Having done a few decades of being The One Responsible For Christmas, I told my family I was stepping down, so they arranged a Christmas by the sea in Cornwall with other people being Responsible, and it was bliss. We are looking to do the same thing next year, and the expense just goes to show what a fabulous deal they had for so long.

What's in store for '24? My husband is ill, so I think I will have to leave that to the Fates. As much love as I can manage given that people in pain are often grumpy. Admit vulnerability and ask for help, two lessons I need to learn. And maybe, to let the future look after itself for a while as I concentrate on the present.

Good feminist books? Anything at all by Andrea Dworkin, Suffragette: My Own Story by Emmeline Pankhurst which tells you how it actually was rather than how it is told to us now, and Singled Out by Virginia Nicholson which tells of how the million "extra" women after the Great War earned their (and our) freedoms because the state couldn't afford for them to stay at home not earning anything and neither could their families. This is backed up by the fascinating book The Spinster and her Enemies by the redoutable Sheila Jeffries, which shows that the "sex wars" didn't start in the Seventies, but way back at the beginning of the 1900s. Another fight for women's freedom conveniently "forgotten" in modern times.

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That sounds like a clever idea! In fairness, my partner does the cooking and it's always just us the kids and my mum now so it's not TOO hard! Thanks for the book rec's. xxx

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