“ Organisations performing linguistic erasure think they are serving females who want to be seen as male and who may be hurt by seeing the word ‘woman’. But in reality, the only thing they are serving is male entitlement.” Yes! This can’t be said often enough. It has no effect on those women who claim to be not-women….they *all* know they’re women anyway.

It harms women, and benefits men, who can then be outraged and even abusive at the women who don’t obey these new rules. Lovely for them.

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What a bloody deranged mess! The very last thing men need is to have their misplaced envy and resentment of women for our reproductive capacity pandered to in this way. A lot of transwidows report that their pregnancy triggered this resentment in their crossdressing partners, and people researching in the domestic violence field similarly report that pregnancy and childbirth often triggers male violence against their partners with the attention shifted off them and onto the woman. So it's a disaster - and often a danger - for the women involved too, of course. But what is this now comical level of pandering to the increasingly fragile and distorted male ego teaching our young men? That's the social disaster unfolding, along with abusive porn and Incel culture, that I fear is going to be the end of us all if we can't expose it for what it is and work to STOP IT ALREADY!

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