Jun 28Liked by Milli Hill

Ahhhgh!!! I’ve been waiting to see when the term midwife will get attacked. I’m so freaking proud of being a midwife. I sweated blood and tears to get here and I will not have it taken from me. I’m a midwife and a woman and, I understand, a fourth wave feminist.. ( I think I was in on the first wave too!) and I’m only 73! Who knows what is yet to come. Keep going Milli we love you❤️

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Thanks Tina, I will! xxx

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Me too Tina - it was always going to happen - you can’t use a word that translates as ‘with woman’ much like gynae - any reference to females… we’re going backwards - we managed to get rid of talking about ‘man’ as referring to humans and replaced with ‘humanity’ that is inclusive (oh how the word‘inclusive’ makes me shiver these days along with ‘diversity’ and ‘rainbow’ …sad) we are reverting literally to a man’s world.

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Jun 28Liked by Milli Hill

It’s definitely worse. At least in the 60’s the issues were clear cut. It’s so creepy and manipulative now so lots of women don’t even realise the effect on our lives, freedoms and rights.

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Brilliant as always Milli

"Tardis Practioner" -oh yes! my first coffee snort of the day. Thank you

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happy to be of service 😆

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Jun 28Liked by Milli Hill

As ever, a laugh amid the raging-with-fury tears 😡😡. I tell you what I’d like….given we’re told this utter idiocy is because women may not want to ‘identify’ as women (ugh, howwible women…🙁) and we know full well it’s really because MEN don’t want to support sexed categories (because it makes it harder for them to claim to be women), it’d be great to see a NB woman or ‘trans man’ say ‘please don’t obscure language for *me*. I know it makes life and health messages more difficult if we talk about ‘people with uteruses’ etc , so just keep ‘women’ in there. I’ll cope just fine.’

Is there anyone who’d say that?

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How soon before wedding vows collapse… “I now declare you Husband and Cerivx-bearer”

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Hahah. Also what will they do about aunties and uncles, nieces and nephews?!

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“Tardis Practitioner” 😀

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Doctor comes from the Latin 'to teach' which is patriarchal, hierarchical, hegemonic and lots of other words from my big word salad. 😆

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This is empirically true, hence Caesar word salad

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